Friday, May 4, 2012

Hot Friday

It is a stormy, hot and humid Friday here in Missouri.  My old Huskey dog is feeling the heat.  I am going to make her a cooling bandana this year.  I saw one in a pet supply ad.  You make a cotton triangle bandana and sew a big hem around the edge.  You then put those water absorbing beads in the hem edge and sew shut.  Then you soak in water so the beads puff up and the evaporative effect cools the dog's neck.  We'll see how she goes for it. LOL!

I am checking sales info about mini albums today.  I wanted to see what the going prices were and if they were selling well.  I checked on Ebay, Etsy, and Zibbet.  On Ebay, there were a lot listed but few bids.  The prices were varied.  On Etsy, the prices seemed lower to me and there is no bidding, just set price.  Hard to tell about number of sales.  Same for Zibbet.

I did see many kits available.  This is a good thing for the beginner who does not have all the scraps and tools available.  They are reasonable in price and most have enough supplies to make more than one album, or at least have scraps left over.

I saw a pretty album that was sewn.  All the paper was stitched around.  Even the tags.  The paper might have been glued then stitched, but whatever way, it was really pretty and different.

There is no end to the imaginative ideas we can find on You Tube and around the internet.

Keep cool or warm, wherever you are, and have a good weekend!


Thursday, May 3, 2012


Hello crafting world!  Welcome to my new blog and first post.  What I hope to accomplish here is sharing of my money-saving tips for creating.   I crochet, sew, paint, and now am a paper-crafter.

I watch many You Tube videos on papercrafting.  They are wonderful.  I want all the tools and trims and paper and googaws used in these videos.  I cannot have them all, of course.  So I go to the local thrift stores on a pretty regular basis and check for things others have donated.  This not only saves me money, but helps whatever charity runs the shop. 

One of the first things I found was an artist kit with pastels, markers, chalks and pencils.  This was an adult kit and complete except for maybe a little ruler.  I did not know if the markers were alcohol or not but tried them to color a pearl bead.  It worked.  This kit cost maybe $1.50 or less.  (It was Senior discount day LOL).  These shops are also good places to find trims, buttons, yarn, and fabric.

I am currently working on toilet paper roll mini albums.  I have not thrown away a toilet paper roll or paper towel roll in months!  You can cut the empty paper towel rolls in 4 inch lengths to use with the toilet paper rolls or any length you want.  When you cut in 4 inch lengths, you have a little length left over (maybe 2.5 inch).  You can use these to make a mini mini (lol) or make a mini of varied lengths.  Mary at Cardz TV (love you and your videos, Mary) made a lovely FALL mini that spelled out the word FALL on staggered length TP rolls.  I am working on one now.

I am constantly finding new tricks and tips for card and mini album making on the You Tube videos.  I have never made a video but plan to try that in the future.  I am not sure if my camera is able to do that, but "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained."